This whole adoption thing has been a list making bonanza for me. Lists of things to do for the home study. Lists of people to bug for pictures. Lists of people to ask for referrals. And best of all, lists of baby stuff.
You might notice that I have added a list to the right hand side bar (I feel obligated to note that there are copies of this list in several other strategic places though out my home, car and purse.) It's a list of baby stuff we would need should we get a surprise placement. The thought had never occurred to me until we met a couple at our orientation who had it happen to them. One hour to decide and get there. They had to stop at Babies R Us to get the basics on the way in.
As soon as I heard there story the mental list started. I have now put it to paper about a thousand times over. Revising and rewriting. My ever patient co-worker, J, has been very helpful as the mother of a 4 year old and a 2 year old. So has M of course, who has loaned me the use of almost all of her baby gear (a whole nother post devoted to each item I am sure).
I bought my first item the other day, not counting stuff purchased over the years during out pregnancies and the trying. I mentioned it before and now, in my effort to make this blog a little less boring, I have taken a picture of it. Actually, I took two, because the first one was blurry when I went to crop it, so I had to set it up and take another. That's devotion I tell you.
Without further ado, here is the dishwasher basket............
And now that you have all been awed by the sight of my brand new dishwasher basket, let me explain the list on my sidebar (which is not complete and I welcome any suggestions). I intend for this to be a list of items I would need to get through the first day. Additional items that are necessary to function for the short term can be picked up the next day, and after the shower(s) we will buy anything else we feel is necessary that we do not own. Items with a * are items that I have already obtained. I will adjust the list as I purchase. I am sure I will also take more pictures and discuss each item at length, so please keep my blog in mind should you ever find yourself experiencing insomnia.
The goal is to buy only the necessary amount of each item so we don't end up with a bunch of generic green and yellow. Not that we hate green and yellow, we would just like a little pink or blue tossed in once we know for sure.
I feel a list of crafty projects for the baby coming on. I wonder how much my sidebar can handle?
I love lists, too. :) Your comment about reading when we have insomnia cracked me up. Anyhow, we have the same dishwasher basket and it is pretty good but nowhere near big enough. The nipple part is fine, but the basket below isn't big enough to hold the bottle parts we need it to (it depends on the type of bottles you're using, but many of the new ones come apart into several pieces). We have ended up with this basket plus the Prince Lionheart basket combo set. If you get a particular type of bottle you might end up needing a special basket, too; for instance, the popular Dr. Browns bottles have strange-shaped parts and have their own baskets. Hope that helped some!
Thanks for the tips. I think we are going to try the Evenflo Purely Comfi BPA free bottles, but we have no idea if the baby will like them so we have a few backup plans just in case. Dr. Browns was another top choice for us.
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